Friday, July 27, 2007

Alias: El Rey Del Joropo Mago US VHS

el-rey-del-joropoAlias: El Rey Del Joropo 1978 aka King of the Joropo
Mago US VHS Release VHS- A film from Venezuela - Spanish Language
Stars Alfredo Alvarado Tito Aponte Oscar Matinez, Fausto Verdial, Rosario Val
Directed By: Carlos Rebolledo
Gritty barrio gangster melodrama with a twist of Reality TV. A plot well a head of its time....
A TV station is producing a program about Alfredo Alvarado (alias) The King of the Joropo. He is an infamous criminal, a great dancer, and an intelligent man, with a critical sense of humor. The TV station wants a program full of sex and violence. This, in spite of Alvarado's wishes to tell the true story about his life, which results in criticism against political and media institutions. Annoyed, the TV tycoons change the story to get a better rating.
Color 87mins. Violence, Action, Sexual Material, and Nudity

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